Letter to President Lyndon Johnson, dated April 24, 1965 |
Letter to President Lyndon Johnson, dated October 23, 1965 |
Letter to Senator Sam J. Ervin, Chairman, U.S. Senate Subcomitte on Constitutional Rights, Committee on the Judiciary, dated November 18, 1966. |
Dr. Kameny is invited to testify before the House Committee on the District of Columbia on the Dowdy Bill which would outlaw the Mattachine Society, August 5, 1963. |
Page One of Dr. Kameny's testimony before the House Committee, opposing the Dowdy Bill, August 8,1963. |
From the Congressional Record, 1963:
"..illegal activities revolting to society."- Congressman John Dowdy of Texas on the Mattachine Society, July 5,1963 |

Letter of Introduction from Dr. Kameny and the Mattachine Society to Congressman Paul C. Jones of Missouri (pictured), returned with the Congressman's handwritten response:
"Please do not contaminate my mail with such filthy trash." Dated August 28, 1962 |

A similar response from Representative Charles E. Chamberlain of Michigan (pictured) to the Mattachine Society's Letter:
"In all my six years of service in the United States Congress, I have not recieved such a revolting communication. " Dated August 30, 1962 |
Letter from the American Psychological Association to Frank Kameny and the Mattachine Society, dated July 17,1963.
"it is not in the best interests of the APA to meet with you, nor to pulicize your meetings". |
A passage from "Gay, Proud, and Healthy", a statement regarding the psychiatric profession, by Frank Kameny and Barbara Gittings:
"An adversary situation has developed..." |
Letter to Nevin Feather from Robert M. Holmes, Director of Personnel and Personnel Security Officer, Library of Congress, dated June 28, 1962:
"The Library of Congress has recieved a report concerning you..." |
Letter from John Will, Director of Personnel, U.S. Department of Commerce, to Dr. Kameny, dated 11/8/71. |
Letter from Hubert Humphrey, Vice President of the United States, dated June 6, 1965:
"Neither the Federal Executive Orders on fair employment nor the Civil Rights Act which constitute the authority for the program on non-discrimination are relevant to the problems of homosexuals." |
Letter from the Internal Revenue Service to the Pride Foundation, dated October 8, 1974:
"The Supreme Court has continued to characterize homosexual activity as preverted or deviate behavior, the explicit representation of which has been repeatedly held to be patently offensive for the purpose of meeting of the established tests of obscenity so as to fall outside the protection of the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution .” |
Letter from the Civil Service Commission to the Mattachine Society outlining the Commission's discriminatory hiring policies, dated February 25, 1966:
"Persons about whom there is evidence that they have engaged in or solicited others to engage in homosexual or sexually perverted acts with them, without evidence of rehabilitation, are not suitable for Federal employment.” |
Letter from John Hanes, Administrator, U.S. Department of State, 11/7/60. “The homosexual is automatically a security risk…” |
Letter from Dr. Kameny to Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, dated June 28, 1962, asking the FBI to "halt immediately" investigation, infiltration, and interrogations of members of the Mattachine Society. |
Response to the above letter to Robert Kennedy, from the Federal Bureau of Investigation dated July 9, 1962, advising the Attorney General not to respond to Dr. Kameny. |
Letter from U.S. Agency for International Development (AID), dated 10/13/81, restricting "assignment of homosexuals". |
Letter from the Office of Assistant Secretary of Defense, 2/28/69
Re: Benning Wentworth
Benning Wentworth was one high profile case among many, represented by Dr. Kameny. |
Memorandum: “Victory!!!! We have been “cured” , regarding the American Psychiatric Association meeting in Honolulu . |
Letter from Frank Kameny to Alfred M. Nittle, Counsel to the House Committee on Un-American Activities |
Letter from Dennis M. Flannery, Wilmer,Cutler Pickering, 12/31/70. In denfense of Otto Ulrich, Jr. before Department of Defense; Kameny representing Ulrich in famous case. |
Correspondence, TIME Magazine, 11/16/65, regarding “social and psychological moods newly emerging”. |